International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media, such as print and online.

An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) identifies all continuing resources, irrespective of their medium (print or electronic). It is a globally recognized identification code used by publishers, libraries, suppliers, barcoding systems, and other information services for the citation and retrieval of serials such as Journals, Newspapers, Newsletters, Directories, Yearbooks, Annual Reports, Monograph series, etc. The benefits of having an ISSN include international visibility and acknowledgment of serials through automatic inclusion in the International Serials Directory Database.

ISSN National Centre of Nepal

The Nepalese ISSN Centre, located at the National Library of Nepal, Kathmandu, is part of a global network of ISSN centers. Its key role is to assign ISSNs to serial publications in Nepal. Additionally, the center contributes Nepali serial records to the ISSN Register, a worldwide database maintained by the ISSN International Centre in Paris. Since 2008, the National Library of Nepal has been designated as the central authority for issuing ISSNs to serials published in Nepal. The ISSN-assigned publications are duly registered in the international ISSN database in Paris.